Friday, October 20, 2017

Rhys Devry

Personal Information
Birth Name: Rhys Devry
Alias(es): Rhys, Ree
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Species: Witch

Hair Color: Brown
Eyes Color: Blue
Height: 6'1"

Rhys was born the same year that Astrea became queen. They were half-siblings--connected through their father. This was a fact that most people--including Astrea was unaware of. Rhys' mother was close to Astrea's age when she gave birth to him. She was considered a great beauty at the time, but she lacked Astrea's mind. She was not particularly wise and was easily tricked. It was this that drew his father to his mother. Some claim that it didn't hurt that his mother was quite gifted where magic was concerned--a trait that he hoped would be passed onto any children they had.

They only had one. Two months before Rhys was born, Astrea killed their father and the other council members she believed were responsible for spreading the corruption of their people. Astrea believed that the very foundation of their society needed to be changed, and set out to do just that. Not everyone was open to her ideas, and a great war swept across the land. His mother found herself being taken in by a group that resisted the change that Astrea wished to bring to the witches. Many had been loyal to Rhys' father and was outraged about what occurred within the council chamber.

They sought revenge against Astrea, but most of all they vowed to do everything within their power to stop her from achieving her goal. It was them that fed his mother the lies about how Astrea would kill her unborn child if she knew whom the father was. They convinced her that Astrea's hatred for her father was so great that she had vowed to slaughter anyone with his blood running through their veins. Fearing for her unborn child's life, his mother agreed to join them in bringing Astrea down.

They told her to join Astrea's group. She resisted this request at first---believing that being that close to the new queen would be extremely dangerous, but she was convinced that being near Astrea was the safest place for her. The witch queen would never look for one of her father's spawns among her own people. She would never believe that one of her father's lovers would be so clever or foolish enough to bring herself so close to her, and the closeness would serve another purpose. Rhys' mother could gain information that might be vital to ending Astrea's reign.

His mother and a few other witches loyal to ending Astrea's reign went to live among Astrea's new
clan---The Devry. Multiple witches loyal to the cause was sent into this new clan as a precaution in cause Astrea discovered one of them. That way if she discover one of them there will still be others within her midst that could continue to gather information about her as well as send word out that Astrea had discovered one of their spies. They were also there to keep Rhys' mother from fleeing--to remind her what was at stake as well as to ensure that Rhys was raised in the manner that his father would have wanted.

None of their precaution almost mattered on the day of his birth. It wasn't Astrea or those loyal to her that almost brought their plans for Rhys to an end. It was the fate that many mothers and children shared within the birthing chambers. Both Rhys and his mother almost died within that room, but the goddess grace decided that they both should live. His mother saw this as a sign that they were walking down the right path, but also a warning that it was going to be a difficult one to walk.

From the moment he was born, his mother and those loyal to the goal of bring Astrea down tried to teach him to both fear and hate Astrea. They raised him upon the belief that she had stolen his birth right, but most of all she had stolen a father that would have loved him with all his heart from him---a father that would have been proud to call Rhys his son, because he was everything that his father would have wanted in his heir. He was raised upon stories of his father greatness along with tales of Astrea's monstrosities. These stories had no effect upon his opinion of his sister.

He did not see the horrid monster that these stories tried to paint whenever he looked upon Astrea. What he saw instead was a woman whose insides were more beautiful than her outer shell that wished to end the suffering of her people. He saw a queen that loved her people so greatly that she was willing to stain her hands with blood in order to save them, but most of all he saw a young girl who loved playing silly games with Rhys and the other children. More than that, he came to learn his father had been the real monster. He learned of the horrific crimes his father had committed against his own people.

Each passing day, Rhys resembled his father more and more. Both his mother and he feared this fact. His mother feared it because she believed that Astrea would look upon him, realize whose son he was, and kill him right on the spot. Rhys feared not that she wold recognize him as her half-brother, but that he was a monster just like their father. It was not just his appearance he was told resembled his father, but his personality as well. As the years passed, his mother became more determined to keep him out of Astrea's sight and he became less determined to fight her.

His mother's fears were silenced nearly ten years after Astrea took the throne. Astrea was finally killed by those that stood against her. This was joyous news for those that fought against her. They saw this as a chance to bring the people back to the way they were before Astrea took the throne, but this would never come to pass. Astrea had sat upon the throne long enough to make the wind of change impossible to stop. It swept across the land, forcing everyone---willing or not---to accept a semblance of Astrea's dream.

While his mother's fears ended with Astrea's death, his continued to grow with each passing day. It did not help that those loyal to the cause of bring Astrea down saw his growing resemblance to his father as proof that he was suppose to inherit his father's clan. They pushed him forward as the next leader and forced him to endure training that didn't only prepare him for his future as clan leader, but teach him what he needed to do to erase the changes that Astrea brought upon the people. The years passed until he became old enough to take the leadership test.

Rhys did not have to take the test right away. He had a good century before his eligibility for the test expired, but he choose to do so anyways. Much to his horror, he passed the test, but no one aside from him and the one overlooking the test knew this fact. He pleaded with her to write the results down as a failure. It took him awhile to convince her, but eventually she agreed. Those who were hoping for a positive outcome from this test were devastated at the result. His father's supporters slowly pulled away from them. They wanted nothing to do with those that had smeared his father's legacy into the dirt.

This ended up being an extremely good thing for his mother. No longer underneath their influence she was able to blossom as her own person, and she eventually met and feel in love with a male witch, who treated her with all the respect she deserved. He did not considered her stupid by any means, and whatever lack of cleverness he did witness he saw as adorable little quirks more than an excuse to manipulate her. They eventually married and had two children together.

Rhys adored his younger siblings, and he delighted in watching them grow. His father's clan eventually ended up being absorbed by the clan his sister had created when she had pulled away from her birth clan, and Rhys' younger brother became its leader. His brother ended up having two lovely daughters and his other sibling had one daughter just as gorgeous as her cousins. He delighted in watching them grow just as much as he did his siblings. Rhys was often the uncle who came with treats and to take his nieces upon wild adventures---even if they were imaginary.

His oldest niece grew old enough to take her leadership test and passed, but like Rhys she had no desire in becoming the next clan head. She fled from her people in hope that they would have to find another to inherit the clan. That hope laid in her younger sister, but to their disappointment she failed the test. Those within the clan turned their eyes back towards the elder sister. Rhys found himself caught between his support of his niece's decision and fear that he would have to step up to the plate if she continued to refuse.

This never came to pass. Rhys' niece accepted the role as clan leader the very same day that her father died. He was both grieved over his brother's death as well as overjoyed over his niece's decision. Now, his concern lays in the fact that someone will take note that he had stopped aging, and come up with the conclusion that he had actually passed his leadership test all those years ago. Whether true or not, it is widely believed that only those that passed the leadership test can ascend to the next level.